Dedicated to the whole girl: mind, body, and future!
Girls in the Game aims to empower young women in the United States to participate in after-school sports, health and leadership activities they may not typically experience.
Meghan Morgan, executive director of Girls in the Game, explains the organization’s primary purpose, “Girls in the Game believes in the power of girls, and that very belief is at the core of everything we do. We want to ensure that all girls have the opportunity to discover their voice and strength – and with the confidence that they gain, they can change the world.”
Through community and corporate partnerships, Girls in the Game is able to expand its reach to young women in low-income neighborhoods. “We strive to serve girls year-round and over the long-term. Our programs reach girls who come from communities struggling with poverty and violence. We don’t receive government funding for our programs and because of that, we rely on partners who share our commitment to empowering girls in order to keep our programs free,” Meghan explains.
For over two decades, the brave, passionate and resourceful team that leads Girls in The Game has been able to generate great success amongst the 45,000 diverse young women they work with annually across the country.
Now, this truly vital organization responds to the needs of the girls that they serve, creating tomorrow’s leading women from today’s girls in the game. IIII
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