Performer Bruno Mars once said, “Hawaii is paradise. It might sound cheesy, but there is music in the air.”
Bruno, who grew up in Honolulu, would certainly concur with Fairhaven administrative assistant Heidi Orth, whose favorite vacation destination is Hawaii. “What makes Hawaii so wonderful? Where do I start? The picturesque landscape, unique foliage, wonderful ocean breezes, the beaches, the marine life, the rainbows, and all of the unique history and traditions…how’s that for a list!” Heidi says.
Elaborating on her family trips to the Pacific, “We’ve been blessed to be able to visit Maui and Kauai, and it’s hard to pick which is better. They are both beautiful in their own way,” Heidi adds.
One recent trip to Maui brought Heidi face-to-face with several awesome creatures of the deep. “I had been hoping to see a whale. While on a boat trip over to the island of Lanai, the captain was sharing with us various points of interest and stories of “Old Hawaii”. Suddenly, a humpback whale breached in the distance directly behind the captain. It was just like those pictures you see, but it was real! It was an awesome sight! Toward the end of our cruise, a large school of spinner dolphins (there had to be more than 100!) swam alongside the boat leaping out of the water. It was so much fun to watch!”
A resident of Downers Grove, IL, Heidi spends her beach vacations with her husband of 25 years, Dan, a software engineer. On these water-centric journeys, Heidi enjoys a variety of outdoor activities. “I love walking along the shoreline, especially uninterrupted stretches of beach which seem to go on for miles. Shelling, searching for sand dollars and unique rocks and pieces of driftwood all make the shore come alive. Kayaking and snorkeling are fun, and who doesn’t love a good boogie board ride? Of course, sunsets are also a must,” Heidi says.
Heidi’s family includes three sons. Her eldest, Ryan, is enrolled in post-graduate psychology studies in Maryland. Conor is a recent computer science graduate. And Nolan is a first-year student at North Central College in Naperville, IL.
Having been part of the team at Fairhaven Wealth Management since its founding, Heidi cites the culture as her favorite aspect of the job. “We have a great group of people who genuinely care about taking care of our clients and each other. Smiles tend to come easy around the office and that level of comfort with one another cannot help but create a positive work environment. It might not be the same as a walk on the beach, but I really enjoy being a part of the company,” Heidi says. IIII
Administrative Assistant
Heidi Orth

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